For healthcare professionals

General Practitioners in Bromley can refer via EMIS web.

If you are a health or social care professional and wish to refer a patient/client living in Bromley to our service, please complete a referral form and email it to

Referral criteria

Age: 18 years upwards (no upper age limit).

Residence: We accept referrals for people who either live in the Bromley borough OR are registered with a Bromley GP.

Nature of problem:

  • common mental health problems, including but not restricted to, depression and anxiety
  • long-term physical health conditions or medically unexplained symptoms (to help people to manage their symptoms and / or to address stress, anxiety or depression).

Patients should not be receiving psychological therapy from another service or therapist at the same time as being seen in our service, although exceptions may be made occasionally, e.g. family therapy.

Referrals will be screened to make sure we are the most appropriate service for the client’s needs. Part of our role is to assess clients’ suitability for our service, and we may direct the referral elsewhere before assessment if needed.

Please note, just because a referral has been submitted this does not mean a referral has been accepted, so please manage clients’ expectations.

Once a referral has been screened and accepted, they will be offered an assessment with one of our therapists, usually over the telephone.

Exclusion criteria

Generally, we do not see people whose needs will be better met elsewhere by a specialist service and/or their other difficulties would be an obstacle to effective treatment in our service. For example:

  • Level of risk that is not manageable within this service – if you do not think the person you want to refer can keep themselves safe whilst waiting for support from us, please consider referring them to a mental health crisis service instead
  • Addiction problem that is the presenting problem or would be an obstacle to effective treatment in our service
  • Eating disorder (unless relatively mild binge eating)
  • People with a history or diagnosis of psychosis, bipolar affective disorder, personality disorder